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metadata.dc.type: Relatório de Pesquisa
Title: Metabolismo do Setor de Serviços no Amazonas - interdependência do comércio e indústria
metadata.dc.creator: Laís Cosmo Lopes
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: Salomão Franco Neves
metadata.dc.description.resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as implicações da indústria de transformação amazonense para as principais atividades do setor de serviços. De forma específica, será identificada a composição dos agregados macroeconômicos das principais atividades da indústria de transformação e do setor de serviços, além da descrição dos fluxos intersetoriais de acordo com a sua origem. No que concerne a metodologia, serão utilizados os dados das Tabelas de Recursos e Usos do Amazonas a preços básicos para o ano de 2006, onde serão utilizados o consumo intermediário e o valor da produção do setor de serviços e das principais atividades da indústria de transformação. Em termos de resultados, espera-se que as metas estabelecidas pelos objetivos sejam cumpridas de acordo com a metodologia proposta.
Abstract: The objective of this research is to analyze the implications of Amazonas processing industry for the main activities of the service sector. Specifically, will be identified the composition of the macroeconomic aggregates of the main activities of the manufacturing industry and of the service sector. With regard to methodology, will be used data from Tables of Amazon Features and Uses at basic prices for the year of 2006, which will be used intermediate consumption and value of industry production services and of the main activities of the manufacturing industry. In terms of results, it was realized that the manufacturing industry has significant implications for the performance of the service sector in the Amazonian economy, whose evidence is in how they make up the macroeconomic aggregates selected in this research. In terms of gross value of production, it was realized that the manufacturing industry has the highest percentage in the composition of the secondary sector, whose value was 99.93%. Similarly, gross production of services does not have significant dependence of the industry, since its availability is made, for the most part, by public administration services, trade and transport. In turn, it was realized that the inputs coming from the manufacturing sector has a significant importance in the composition of intermediate consumption both in services as in manufacturing, with values of 71.03% and 79.62%, respectively.
Keywords: Serviços
Consumo intermediário
Indústria de transformação
metadata.dc.language: pt_BR Brasil
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Amazonas
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UFAM
metadata.dc.publisher.department: Economia e Análise
Faculdade de Estudos Sociais
metadata.dc.publisher.program: PROGRAMA PIBIC 2014
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2015
Appears in Collections:Relatórios finais de Iniciação Científica - Ciências Sociais Aplicadas

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